Please note that you can pay the university fees through without having to review the university's financial department by forming a financial claim through the student information system according to the steps below. Payment can be done through any of the following:
- Banks (all Jordanian banks) through four methods: cashier (without the need for an account in that bank) and other methods that require an account in the bank such as : online bank (web application), smartphone application and the ATM.
- Any branch of the Jordanian Post in the Kingdom.
- Mobile payment.
- Agents of efawateercom such as approved exchange shops (click here to find the nearest agent for you).
- Visiting the website: ( which provides the following two payment methods: direct payment, which deducts the amount immediately from your account from any Jordanian bank, or through credit cards (Visa and MasterCard).
Note: A commission will be added by efawateercom on the required amount as follows:
1- From 1-500 dinars, the commission is half a dinar per payment.
2- From 501 to 1000 dinars, the commission is 1 dinar per payment.
3- More than 1000 dinars, the commission is 2 dinars per payment.
If there is any problem with the payment process, please contact the technical support of the service provider on 065504141.