Students   /  Employees  /   AQAC   /   Model School   /  QRC   /  YU F.M  /  Sahafat AlYarmouk

The Deanship of Student Affairs at Yarmouk University announces that the applications for the technical excellence for the academic year 2020/2021 are now open from Sunday morning, 30 August 2020, until Thursday evening, 24/ 9/2020 in the following areas:

- Playing all musical instruments (except piano) for males and females.

- Singing for males and females.

- Folklore for males and females.

- Playing popular instruments (Shaba, Mijwiz, Qerba, Rababa, Semsemia, and Drums).

- Theater acting for males and females.

 Applications are submitted at Yarmouk University/ Deanship of Student Affairs / Student Activity Center on the ground floor.

For inquiries, please call the university phone number (7211111) sub (3606) (3058) (3090) or (2049) or visit the university's website at (
