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Yarmouk University announces that the applications for the BA in the faculty of fine arts/ regular program for students holding the high school or equivalent are now open for the following specialities:

  • Design and applied arts.
  • Plastic Arts.
  • Music.
  • Drama.

The application process start as of Thursday, 20/08/2020 until Sunday evening, 27/09/2020. Students can pay the application fees of JD (15) through any branch of Cairo Amman Bank in the Kingdom or through eFAWATEERcom until the end of Monday, 28/09/2020. Students must follow up their e-mails in addition to the YU website to follow up their applications. Any applications not meeting the conditions will be cancelled.

To apply, please click on the following link (click here)

Note: The date of the capacity exam will be announced later on the university's website (

As for the conditions of applying, please contact the dept. of Registration.
